Creation Date: Sunday August 18th 2019
Last Updated: Monday September 28th 2020
The Guild has been undertaking various discussions amongst the membership to address the basic question "why are we here". As Guild membership has grown in the last few years, it has become more difficult to maintain a clear sense of shared understanding in this regard.
Therefore, the Guild Executive have decided to develop a "statement of intent" of some sort that captures the agreed principles under which the Guild will operate. The recommended Model Rules for an Incorporated Association that apply to The Eltham & District Winemakers Guild can be downloaded here.
So, after much weeping, gnashing of teeth and renting of garments (yes, it's been pretty emotional and turbulent stuff), below is the current "draft statement" that the Guild Executive have on the table for member comment. So, if you have thoughts - speak now, or forever hold your peace and get back to wine making ...
What We Want:
To nurture, promote and sustain the art of amateur grape and country wine making.
How We'll Get There:
By ensuring the Guild provides opportunities for members to improve their wine making skills through knowledge sharing with others in a relaxed and open social environment.
What We Believe In and How That Guides Our Activities:
A Diversity of Wine Styles
We'll give equal consideration of both grape and country winemaking, through both general Guild activities and the Wine Show.
Respect for Members
We'll seek and listen to members' views and needs, and:
- Each take responsibility to behave in a welcoming and friendly way, and to contribute positively to the Guild’s organisation or activities
- Allow membership numbers to grow without artificial restraint,
- Provide opportunities for active involvement by members being careful if numbers increase to try out different formats to maintain participation,
- Maintain good communication through our newsletters and website, and
- Recognise the contribution of long serving members through Life Membership.
Access to Wine Education
We'll provide opportunities to learn about wine making from each other and from experts - from grape growing to the glass, and the joys of country winemaking.
- We'll recognise and cater for differences in expertise within our membership including different levels of learning and maybe mentoring
- We'll regularly taste and learn to appreciate and judge a diversity of wines
- We'll make both grape and country wines together or in small groups and to that end we'll consider buying and sharing equipment if it's not too onerous to look after it
- We'll organise an amateur wine show and allow it to grow; using the show to expand members' wine making and judging skills; and consider combining it with other activities of interest to members - maybe jazz music and food
- We'll consider producing publications or formal programs on winemaking, or promoting training courses conducted by others.
- We'll organise visits to wine regions and establishments for learning and enjoyment
We'll encourage a strong social environment as a foundation for knowledge sharing and relationship building through our regular activities and special events such as the international dinner nights and wine region visits.
Sound Organisation
The Guild Executive is chartered with providing a forward year's program of activities responding to members' interests, and with ensuring sound financial management and the responsible use of Guild funds with an emphasis on ensuring benefit to all members.
We are committed to alcohol safety and in particular the responsible serving of alcohol at all Guild activities, with an emphasis on personal responsibility.
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